Writing Workshops

Making Good Stories Takes GUTS!

Shows writers how to heighten the necessary story basics to make characters, style, and
focus of their work shine and sell!

Self-Editing Without Self Destructing

Tips for beefing up the synopsis without losing the marrow of a manuscript. Writers crave
insight into writing a sellable synopsis. My clients have sold books on the synopses I’ve
helped them revise.

Writing For The Juvenile Market

An insider’s look from someone who’s had success in that area, with seven books sold
to major juvenile publishers, including the only authorized biography of John Grisham,
and two with Scholastic

What The Heck Is POV?

An easy to comprehend overview along with interactive exercises to help invigorate the
emotional camera of the characters.

Curing Purple Prose

How to recognize when too much fluff makes a manuscript rough and unmarketable
and tips on exorcising bloated passages.


Staying Out Of The Dungeon

Even when writers start progressing in their careers it’s hard to stay focused on what
really matters and to justify the time required to keep their writing a top priority.


Non-Fiction Book Proposals

Detailed how-to workshop for putting together a book proposal that will warrant a
second look from editors and agents.


Recycle And Resell

Interactive discussion where I help writers brainstorm additional marketing ideas from
research they’ve already gathered by showing how I’ve done it myself with the 
John Grisham research.